
Rathma diablo 4 trailer
Rathma diablo 4 trailer

rathma diablo 4 trailer

Regardless, it’s a pretty funny situation.

rathma diablo 4 trailer

It’s not out of the realm of possibility, which could mean we’re just seeing a Rathma lookalike. Perhaps he or his later followers are responsible for the summoning - blood ritual, blood cult, the temple where Lilith and Inarius enter Sanctuary. After all, it’s not very tinfoil-hat to point to the Lord of Envy (Vidian), who can change from his demonic shape and inhabits the Temple of the Firstborn with the Blood Cult. Until Blizzard states to the masses that this is Rathma, it’s not fixed in stone - which means Blizzard could change their mind about how this character fits into the story. We did confirm the find by loading the video into After Effects ourselves: these tags do exist in the cinematic currently available on Blizzard’s press site.īut editing tags in a cinematic aren’t necessarily canon. Do they really mean the Rathma speculation is legit? The comments could mean that these were the only changes performed in After Effects, but they’re definitely an oddity. Referring to the figure as Rathma in these notes is a pretty big hint as to his identity.īut it’s important to note that the tags start with FA_1001 - and outside of the above comments, the other tags have no actual content. FA_60xx number refers to markers placed at specific time stamps throughout the cinematic, and the markers referenced here are placed from the first shot of the mystery figure’s eyes to the moment the cleric’s eyes close. The markers are placed on a scene that starts at 6:20 in the trailer, where we see close-ups of each character’s eyes, where you see a reflection of the other. Added 6055 for reflection of rathma in clerics eyes (FA_6040 FA_6045 FA_6050 FA_6055).added FA 6045 for reflection of cleric in rathma’s eyes (FA_6040 FA_6045).These tags seem to identify changes made while the cinematic was being edited, and two of them specifically refer to Rathma:

rathma diablo 4 trailer

TeKo uncovered editor tags embedded in the cinematic after importing the cinematic - which was taken from the official Diablo 4 press kit - into Adobe After Effects.

Rathma diablo 4 trailer